2024-09-16 @ 17.27PM EEST: Stylized 404 page a bit. You can check it out by clicking here.

noExplorer's "Library,,

Miscellaneous stuff, just "organized,,

This is a website I built for fun, there's no main purpose for this really. I wanted to practice HTML and CSS again, and be unoriginal.

My activity here isn't very constant, but I'll mostly be updating my photography material in the [Gallery] sub-section of my page.

I'll occasionally write something in the [Posts] sub-section of the site, but I rarely have something decent to say.

I am going to try to keep the homepage as clean as possible in order to not deter you from checking this page out, too much stuff can overload someone!

You can navigate the stuff here by expanding the sitemap by clicking the arrow to your left.

Heavy caution, this webpage isn't quite designed for mobile devices (or displays with less than 600px in width). I am trying to work on this but no promises..